January 18, 2025

Why there is no one standard way of teaching and how teachers can use multiple, hybrid methods

Why there is no one standard way of teaching and how teachers can use multiple, hybrid methods


We see that learning to read is foundational. We see that the importance of literacy in the first years of schooling in Classroom is not in question as well. We see that students’ oral language interactions in the early years of schooling, their engagement with print as well as digital texts along with experiences recording their ideas in writing are important for their lives in and out of school. We see that the teaching of phonics and phonological awareness are fundamental and essential elements in learning to read and write as well. We see that what we know is that phonics and phonological awareness are integral components of writing, as well as reading and oral language as well. We see that students in the early stages of literacy learning draw on the reciprocity between reading as well as writing to assist in the identification of sounds in words that can be matched to letters and written down as well. We see that the teaching of phonics and phonological awareness should be undertaken explicitly and systematically. We see that this is not disputed by researchers, teachers, or the wider education community. We also see that how phonics, as well as phonological awareness, are taught remains a contentious issue. And we see that the loudest voices in the argument are often those who lack the experience of teaching in mainstream early-year classrooms as well. We often see that public debates must acknowledge the complexity of early literacy, the successes experienced as well as the challenges encountered. We see that the quest for comprehensive and effective literacy practices, which differentiate to meet the needs of all students, can only be addressed if the complexity of literacy is recognized as well. We see that teaching is more than science it is also a craft and an art as well. Fundamentally, we see that it involves teachers’ intellect and criticality to be responsive to students’ needs. We see that applaud the teachers and the students who engage in these complex practices each day as well. We see that the Teaching strategies are methods and techniques that a teacher will use to support their pupils or students through the learning process;  and a teacher will choose the teaching strategy most suitable to the topic being studied, the level of expertise of the learner, and the stage in their learning journey as well. We see that in one lesson a teacher may use many different teaching strategies with different end goals as well. We see that the most effective teaching strategies are those proven to work over large-scale trials. We see that there is no requirement for a teaching strategy to be innovative although of course some of them are as well. We know that this may sound basic, but the basis of all good teaching is an understanding of the pupils and their learning needs. Allied to this as we know is the respect they are held in by your pupils. We see that the relationship between teacher and student is a vital element of the learning experience as well. They must also take time to get to know a new class from the first day and understand what motivates them and their barriers to learning. We see that this is an often-overlooked teaching strategy at the same time. We see that all our one-to-one tutors are made aware before working with a pupil if they have any special educational needs, as well as take the time to get to know each pupil throughout the 1-to-1 lessons by asking about their hobbies as well as interests or the kinds of things they’ve been learning in school as well. They must also work on the summative assessment which refers to an assessment that takes place after a block of work has been completed, whether this is a term or a year as well. We see that they are best thought of as assessments of learning as well. We also know about formative assessments are those that take place day-to-day and are used to gauge pupils’ understanding of a topic as they are assessments for learning. We see that Formative assessment is often used in a diagnostic capacity, to help us identify whether pupils are struggling with a topic at the moment as well. We see that this then guides and adapts our instruction during the lesson, to better meet children’s needs as well.

We see that they advocate the use of these kinds of diagnostic assessments to identify a child’s misconceptions as well. We see that usually this is best achieved through a set of multiple-choice questions. As well as the correct answer, we see that it can include multiple distractors – answers that are incorrect based on a misconception a child may have e.g. around multiplying as well. We see that if a child chooses an incorrect answer, therefore, we can easily identify exactly where their thinking has gone wrong as well. We see that with the new focus in the curriculum on knowledge organizers, there’s no excuse for children being without the relevant topic vocabulary as well. We see that they need the words to be able to create the thoughts and the sentences to confidently speak about a given topic as well. We see that this is why our tutors will always talk through any specialist maths words at the start of a lesson with their pupils, checking for understanding of previously covered ones as well. We see that one of the most effective ways of introducing new concepts to a class is a deliberate practice that involves breaking learning down into a series of sub-skills, each of which is deliberately practiced in turn as well. We see that far more than simply splitting the whole class into small groups based on attainment as well as positive and effective differentiation and Classroom app in the primary school level as well.

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